Pegasus Zoom Turbo / Goldfinger Running Club - Nike Spots

Edited multiple social media ads for Nike for the release of their Zoom Pegasus Turbo shoe, as well as for their campaign showcasing running clubs across the country.


Comedy Central Stand Up Month Promos

Editor for digital ads for Comedy Central’s Stand Up Month. Featuring both established, and up-and-coming comedians, these promos highlighted half hour and hour long specials that were to air throughout the month.


#RaiseTheSteaks - Tough Mudder x Jack Link’s

Editor and post producer for Tough Mudder interview series done in partnership with Jack Link’s.

This series centered around extreme athletes, both in how they train, and how they fuel their bodies.


Meagan Martin Workout Series

Editor and and graphic designer for 10 part branded workout series by Tough Mudder in conjunction with Celsius energy drinks.